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 Betreff des Beitrags: Lost Scenes - Carla/Stella fanfic
BeitragVerfasst: 31.03.2009, 18:22 

Registriert: 10.01.2009, 18:39
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muis asked me to post the english version of my fanfic-series here, so here we go.

After the episodes 3327/3328 (the big fight) I started to write some fanfiction about Carla&Stella. I felt like the authors sometimes are missing the boat - I REALLY expected to see a reaction from Stella directly after the fight - nope, not there - so I'll try to close those gaps with rather short stories.

The biggest THANKS goes to AtlantaFan who helped me as beta-reader so so much and is doing some of the translations herself - I really appreciate it. BildBildBild

A short feedback would be really nice, it gives me the right motivation to continue with my fanfics.

I hope you enjoy it!


Zuletzt geändert von nike75 am 31.03.2009, 19:48, insgesamt 1-mal geändert.

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Verfasst: 31.03.2009, 18:22 

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BeitragVerfasst: 31.03.2009, 18:24 

Registriert: 10.01.2009, 18:39
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The first story continues after the following clip (a big THANKS to CarlaFreak):

The big fight

After the fight
Stella’s POV

“Out, I just need to get out of here,” Stella thought when she turned around and left the room. Never was she so glad not to live at the castle. She desperately needed distance from work and especially from that woman with whom she’d just fought the worst fight of her life. It wasn’t the first time that Stella had clashed with the countess. They didn’t start on the right foot with each other and since then there had been a growing number of awkward moments where Stella said the wrong thing at the worst time. Their work-relationship suffered but none of this was comparable to what happened tonight. She couldn’t remember something this bad since her work began as manager of castle Königsbrunn.

Stella stepped outside the castle and walked to her car. The cold wind burned her eyes and tears rolled down her face. Upset with herself she tried to wipe them away but the tears kept flowing. She stood next to her car and took some deep breaths to try to calm down. Finally, she felt calm enough to head home.

On the road Stella tried to banish the scenes of the fight from her thoughts, but it was useless. Over and over again she heard the countess.
"You have absolutely NO IDEA of professional behavior nor do you have a sense for the social nuances necessary in our society circles." 'Her claims were unfounded and why was the countess so harsh?', Stella wondered. Okay, she had to admit – arranging a blind date for the countess perhaps was not her best idea, but her intentions were good and motives sincere. But her boss attacking her professionalism just wasn’t right.
"You absolutely have no idea … no idea …"
Over and over again the words were swimming in her mind and anger toward the countess returned just as it had at the castle.


Stella took a deep cleansing breath. She just missed the two deer crossing in front of her. Damn, that had disaster written all over it. Thank god, no one had been near as she swerved around and continued on home.
She just wanted to be all alone – hopefully she could avoid Gregor, she didn’t want to her puffy, red eyes and her brooding expression.

The End

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BeitragVerfasst: 31.03.2009, 18:26 

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Beiträge: 1016
The next "lost scene" starts after the talk between Carla and Sarah and before the scene in the kitchen (also episode 3328). Here is the clip:

clip (thanks to CarlaFreak)

A sleepless night – Part 1
Carla's POV

"The question is – do you really wanna be without her?"
Damn, how should she answer that question? Carla desperately looked at Sarah, took a deep breath and looked at Sarah again.
"Don't be mad but I think I'll go now, it's been a hard day."
"No problem, I have to keep practicing for the audition anyway."
"Okay then, good night."
"You too."
When Carla left the room the sound of Beethoven's Moonlight Sonata was haunting her. It suited her mood so she sat down on the windowsill and listened to the piano. She still had tears in her eyes, tears of disappointment, tears of hurt, tears of frustration. What a difference from what she’d been feeling just a few hours before when she’d thought all of her dreams would come true.
When Justus told her about Stella's invitation to the Schneiders she almost jumped for joy. She'd thought 'Hey, maybe the kiss left an impression on her after all.', despite having told Stella that the kiss was absolutely meaningless. Full of anticipation she'd rifled through her clothes to find the right outfit, elegant and sexy but not too provocative. She hadn’t had so much fun in a very long time.

Deep in thought Carla almost missed that the music had stopped as she heard Sarah coming to the door. Quickly she stood and went to her quarters. She didn't want to meet Sarah again. The questions she asked her before were painful enough.
"Aren't you afraid that you'll miss her?"
Carla closed her eyes. Were her feelings for Stella really so obvious to everyone around her? Sarah could have left out the additional "I mean missing her as manager of the Castle.", Carla knew she was busted. It was just a fact – Stella caused emotional chaos in her and she couldn't do anything to stop it. When had this started?

Was it when Gregor told her that Stella was a lesbian too? No, it was already too late by then.

Or was it when they’d organized everything together for Luise's arrival? Carla had to grin a little bit. At least by that point she'd realized how damn attractive her new employee was. Until today she couldn't remember what Gregor had wanted from her that day, something about 20.000 EUR – Stella was too distracting standing there just in her bra.

If she really thought about it, Stella Mann triggered powerful feelings in Carla since the first meeting. In the beginning it was resentment, anger and bewilderment – a whole lot of negative emotions she just couldn't ignore. Of course she never would admit that to her employee.

So when had these old feelings changed? It seemed good feelings had been growing all along. Still, it wasn’t as though Stella still didn’t drive her crazy from time to time.

She flashed back to the situation at the NoLimits after the party and shivered when she thought about the attack of that slimy guy. And then – out of nowhere – Stella had been there and chased him away. Protectively, she'd put her coat around Carla's shoulders and then given her a strong drink. Carla had savored the sensation of complete safety until she realized that it was her employee beside her. She'd run away, ashamed to let Stella see how vulnerable and weak she was at that moment. But this night had changed her view of the young woman, she just didn't know where the change would take her. From that night on Carla tried to work together with Stella instead of waiting for the next mistake she might make. It wasn't always successful but their work-relationship was better now and she had to admit that Stella was quite good at her job. She always had a solution for the daily challenges. Sometimes her ideas were a little unusual but in the end effective.

At that moment she remembered of what she'd accused Stella tonight. "You have absolutely NO IDEA of professional behavior nor do you have a sense for the social nuances necessary in our society circles." She was ashamed of herself. She'd let Stella go home with the feeling of being completely incompetent – and that just wasn't true. Carla saw Stella's face before her when they talked about terminating her on of the employment. She wasn't sure, but had there been tears in those blue-green eyes?

Carla had completely lost track of time, with all these thoughts. It was nearly 5 a.m. now and she couldn't even think about sleeping, she was too upset. In 3 hours she'd go jogging anyway. 'Jogging – oh great, Stella, our unforgettable first meeting.' Okay, it was useless, she wouldn't get this woman out of her mind so she just would stop trying. Standing beside the crib of her sleeping daughter she thought 'Thank god, it will take a while until you'll have love problems.'

Something had become clear to Carla tonight. She'd completely overreacted in the fight with Stella because of being hurt about the set-up. Yes, it hurt her that Stella wasn't interested in her, and she needed distance to get a grip on her feelings. But she knew she’d hurt Stella too, and a resignation wasn't justified. And if Carla was honest with herself she didn't want to end their work-relationship.

"The question is – do you really wanna be without her?"

'No.', Carla thought, 'I don't want to. I'm not ready to let Stella walk out of my life.'

The End – Part 1.

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BeitragVerfasst: 31.03.2009, 18:30 

Registriert: 10.01.2009, 18:39
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Second part - Stella's POV, same night.

I borrowed the favorite book of Anne Wis (according to the ARD-site) "The Little Prince" by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, I hope she doesn't mind.

A sleepless night – Part 2
Stella's POV

When Stella arrived at home she poured a good hot bubble bath, she really needed to relax tonight. What a horrible day! First, Eduard the Terrible with his unpronounceable whiskey, then the fight with her boss and at lastly the near accident on the road. If this were a normal day she'd have just taken a shower and gone down to spend the evening at NoLimits talking with Gregor or Christian. But this day was far from normal. She didn't want to see anyone, she didn't want to think about anything, she just wanted it to end.

Stella got out of the bathtub, dried off and put on her favorite pyjamas and woolen socks. She looked at her CDs for something that would relax her and put her to sleep. Enya? No, too breathy, she needed a little more energy. Jazz? Hmm, no, she didn't want to listen to melancholy saxophone-melodies. What about classical music? Yeah, that would be a good idea, she hadn’t listened to her classical-collection since arriving in Düsseldorf.

Her eyes wandered over: Chopin, Tchaikovsky, Beethoven, Rachmaninoff, Dvorák, Schubert – her gaze returning to Beethoven. She loved the composer, loved his powerful, passionate almost epic music which reflected his dramatic life. She gazed over her Beethoven-discs: For Elise, Kreutzer violin sonata, Moonlight sonata and of course all of his symphonies. She liked Moonlight sonata the most but for tonight it was too sad. One needn’t make oneself more depressed than one was already. 'I think tonight it's time for the 9th symphony', thought Stella as she put the disc in the player. Quietly the first measures floated through the room. Stella nestled down into bed and listened to the music. She always felt the 9th symphony was like a travelling through his whole life.

Her thoughts returned to the fight tonight but this time she didn't struggle against it.

What had happened? When did her well-intentioned plan backfire to the point where she might easily lose her job over it? And why the hell Carla has been so upset with her?

Of course Stella knew that the Countess could be angry but it had never before been like tonight. What bothered Stella most was the abrupt change in Carla's behavior. One moment Carla von Lahnstein was coming down the stairs, smiling and looking beautiful. In the next moment the situation had escalated to a verbal smack down like Stella had never experienced before. Confused, Stella shook her head and tried to rethink the day to understand what had happened.

Because of Eduard von Tepp with his stupid unpronounceable whiskey requests she went to NoLimits and chanced upon Carla who was drinking coffee with Nathalie.

"Love just isn't my strong suit. Whatever can go wrong will go wrong." This was all Stella had heard from the whole conversation. Then, Nathalie said, “Hello” and Carla turned around with a bright smile on her face. She asked Stella if she had the day off – perhaps it would have been better if she had – it would have spared her a lot.

Slightly frustrated Stella went to the kitchen to get a glass of wine. For a moment she thought about taking the whole bottle but she didn't want to drink herself in a senseless stupor. Aside from that she really needed a clear head for the talk with the Countess tomorrow, maybe the last one as manager of Castle Königsbrunn. Stella tried to swallow the lump in her throat. Did this mean she had to leave Düsseldorf to get a job somewhere else?

Stella had always been a free spirit, living in different cities, different countries. It had never bothered her to leave a place. There was always a new adventure, new people and new stories waiting for her. But now she really wanted to stay for the first time. She was happy to reconnect with Gregor and Christian, she'd missed the familiarity with her cousins. She liked Oliver, Sarah and Leonard, her new friends, and her job was challenging and fun at the same time. She didn't want to miss any of this. Maybe tomorrow she should apologize again even if she still didn't understand why the argument had been so intense.

Stella recalled the afternoon when she was at Schneiders to ask Charlie for help with the whiskey. A woman had approached her and asked if she knew when Carla would be visiting the restaurant again. Based on her instinct she'd refused to give out private information about her boss. Besides, she would be the last person to know about the private life of the Countess.

But then she remembered seeing this woman a few days earlier, chatting with Carla here at Schneiders. They seemed to be having a lot of fun together until her boss left the restaurant abruptly. Maybe this woman was the reason why Carla had trouble in the love-department and maybe they just needed a second chance. Without further thought she told the woman to stay – she'd had an idea.

She couldn't know that her idea would backfire this badly. When the Countess came down the stairs all Stella could think was "WOW! What an amazing woman." Smiling, she asked Carla if she’d gotten the invitation – "Yes," she had, and she seemed quite happy about it.

Then everything got mixed up. First Stella wanted to surprise Carla with the invitation but after thinking about it more she wasn't so sure how the Countess would react to that kind of surprise. So she'd decided to warn Carla about the woman waiting for her at Schneiders; and suddenly the smile on Carla's face froze. A minute later Stella got a verbal assault like a 5th-grader at the school-office. She had only meant well.

A glance at her watch told Stella it was almost 5 a.m., Beethoven's music had stopped a long time ago and sleep was the last thing on her mind. Out of nowhere Stella thought about a passage in her favorite book – The Little Prince – what had the fox told the little prince when they first met?

But he came back to his idea.
"My life is very monotonous," the fox said. "I hunt chickens; men hunt me. All the chickens are just alike, and all the men are just alike. And, in consequence, I am a little bored. But if you tame me, it will be as if the sun came to shine on my life. I shall know the sound of a step that will be different from all the others. Other steps send me hurrying back underneath the ground. Yours will call me, like music, out of my burrow. And then look: you see the grain-fields down yonder? I do not eat bread. Wheat is of no use to me. The wheat fields have nothing to say to me. And that is sad. But you have hair that is the color of gold. Think how wonderful that will be when you have tamed me! The grain, which is also golden, will bring me back the thought of you. And I shall love to listen to the wind in the wheat . . ."
The fox gazed at the little prince, for a long time.
"Please--tame me!" he said.
"I want to, very much," the little prince replied. "But I have not much time. I have friends to discover, and a great many things to understand."
"One only understands the things that one tames," said the fox. "Men have no more time to understand anything. They buy things all ready made at the shops. But there is no shop anywhere where one can buy friendship, and so men have no friends any more. If you want a friend, tame me . . ."
"What must I do, to tame you?" asked the little prince.
"You must be very patient," replied the fox. "First you will sit down at a little distance from me--like that--in the grass. I shall look at you out of the corner of my eye, and you will say nothing. Words are the source of misunderstandings. But you will sit a little closer to me, every day . . ."

All of sudden Stella could see very clearly.

By arranging the blind date for Carla she had come too close, too fast.

How long had they known each other? A few weeks; and half of that time they fought about her professionalism. Of course there were a few occasions when they'd cautiously closed some distance between them – the anniversary of the death of Carla's father, the morning after Stella chased away the guy at NoLimits. But she could also count the days when she’d left Königsbrunn frustrated because of some stupid fight with her boss over some minor problem. She just didn't know how to read this woman.

At least now she understood why Carla had reacted the way she had tonight. Stella's faux-pas didn't give her boss the right to criticize her professionalism, but if she was honest with herself she had to admit her own behavior was uncalled for.

Even if she didn't know how all of this would play out in the end – she knew one thing – she wouldn't give Carla von Lahnstein the satisfaction of being right about her unprofessionalism. In two hours she'd go to Castle Königsbrunn, inspect the pantry and the kitchen to insure her replacement would have a good start.

The End – Part 2.

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BeitragVerfasst: 31.03.2009, 18:36 

Registriert: 10.01.2009, 18:39
Beiträge: 1016
The next "lost scene" stands between episode 3347 (the kiss and Stella's confession) and episode 3352 where we all felt like there happened something between Carla and Stella - it was like they didn't know each other at all, cold and distant.

So this is my take what might have been happened.

I'll also continue to translate my other lost scenes with the help of AtlantaFan.

AtlantaFan, it's your translation, thank you very very much!!!



Nobody's Fool
Carla's POV

It was late afternoon; Carla stood at the window of the library and looked out. She could no longer concentrate on her work. Stella’s words from this morning were running around in her head making every attempt to deal with something else impossible.

"There’s another woman in my life. I think you should know that."

What did this mean? Stella already had a girlfriend, of whom she’d never heard? Carla shook her head, “No!” Stella would have said it differently had that been the case. Stella was in love with another woman? But why had she flirted so heavily the evening before? Why did she respond to her kiss?

All these questions shot through her head and not one of them could Carla answer. This feeling of uncertainty in the otherwise self-assured countess was not good. Not only was her attractive administrator one of the few women in her life who had ever resisted her and with apparent ease. But Carla didn’t know how she should behave towards her anymore.
She had tried to be cool, professional and keep her distance after her more or less voluntary confession of love – resulting in Stella accusing her of heartlessness. Probably not the best option.

There were on their way to a carefully balanced friendship before the evening at the club turned everything upside down. She was quite certain; on this evening that Stella had felt drawn to her and thought, finally to have found a point where she could begin to win the other woman for herself. Euphoric, she had suggested that they make up for the missed riding date or to have a drink together in the evening.

Stella's words were like a slap in the face. There was another woman in Stella's life and Carla obviously had no place in it, at least not in the way that she wanted. At this moment, she could only withdraw again. She barely could get the words out, and had to really pull it together, not let the tears fall. The conversation with Sophia had only helped a little. In the long run her two-year Goldstück couldn’t say whether if perhaps Stella did had an interest in her and if she just shouldn’t give up.

The question was nevertheless - did she actually want to wait and see if perhaps sometime Stella might give her a chance?

Carla stood still at the window. Down in the yard she watched Stella, as she went to her car. Carla had to smile – with that little MINI everything between them had begun. The first stormy encounter had been explosive and little between them had changed; only the direction was different.

Suddenly Stella stopped and took her cell phone from her purse. As she looked at the display, a radiant smile spread across her face. Carla’s mood continued to dim – who called her? The other woman? The laughter, the sparkling eyes - YES! She felt the jealousy overcome her, but she couldn’t take her eyes off her administrator. So that was how she looked when she was in love. Carla swallowed - Stella had never looked at her that way.

She withdrew from the window and sat down at the desk. It was obvious that Stella was not interested in her in a romantic way, perhaps she wanted friendship, but Carla knew herself well enough - that it wouldn’t be enough. Not if she already felt so much for Stella. And perhaps cool, professional and distant weren’t such a bad idea. Then at least she wouldn’t continue to make a fool of herself. And the less time she spent with Stella, the less opportunity to get hurt.

Carla took a deep breath and got back to work. Her decision was clear, and suddenly she had no more problems concentrating.

Stella's POV

Stella was happy as she finally had an evening free and could call it a day. She’d been irritable all day and had foolishly taken it out on Justus. Thank God he hadn’t resented it and had accepted her apology. And all because she simply didn’t know how she should face Carla after yesterday evening.

When they met there was an awkward tension between them as if neither were sure how to behave. Each of them avoided a personal address and with it the difficult choice between the formal "Sie" and the familiar "Du". And just as Carla wanted to talk about the previous evening, they were disturbed - again. Carla’s frustration about the interruption was obvious and Stella couldn’t hold back a grin. Her boss was damn cute when she tried not to show her annoyance.

The interruption by Elisabeth gave Stella a moment to think again. Carla had asked if their "nice evening" could be repeated; and basically Stella had no problem with it. She had enjoyed the evening with Carla, they’d had a lot of fun and up to the kiss at the door everything had been uncomplicated. She wouldn’t say the kiss was a mistake, but she didn’t know whether she would do it again if she had the opportunity. She still wasn’t sure what she felt for Carla, but one thing she had decided the night before, she would not ignore the feelings she had for Charlie Schneider. She simply had to find out if she had a chance with the older woman; otherwise she would wonder forever “what might have happened if?”

The continuation of the conversation with Carla had shaken her. Seldom had she felt so emotionally vulnerable. She simply hadn’t expected that Carla would want to see her again this evening. For the first time she suspected that Carla’s declaration of love was more serious than she had assumed. Carla’s reserved behavior in the weeks after her confession had brought her to the conviction that it was only a fleeting crush and was nothing too seriously worry about. However, now she saw hope in Carla’s eyes and she couldn’t say anything other than the truth, even if she knew the hurt that would result. She liked Carla, very much, but there were also the feelings for Charlie which she didn’t want to simply push aside. But it had not been easy for her and she was almost unable to stop her own tears when she saw the expression on Carla’s face of hopeful joy turn to deep hurt so quickly before the mask of composure that was so typical for the Lahnstein's took over control.

Carla had disappeared after their conversation and Stella had distracted herself with the routine procedures of daily castle life till the workday ended. Now finally it was there and Stella went across the castle courtyard to her car as her cell phone rang. She pulled it from her bag and looked at the display – “Charlie.” Smiling she answered the phone:

“Charlie! Nice of you to call.”
“Yes, I thought I would see what you still wanted to do tonight at the end of the day. How does it look to you – still interested in unpacking your dreadful childhood memories?"
"No," laughed Stella, "the boxes are empty and my things are put away. Well, I still have to sort through some things, but that can wait.”
“Great, then I have a surprise for you. When do you think you’ll be home and ready for an evening with me?”
"Hmmm, give me two hours and I’ll try to find something in my closet besides a hooded sweatshirt.”
"Yes, tonight that would be the wrong thing to wear. Good then, I’ll come get you around 8 o’clock – all right?”
“Perfect, I’m looking forward to it.”

Smiling happily Stella finished the conversation – an evening with Charlie was exactly what she needed today to forget all the chaos inside her. Unconsciously her gaze wandered to the library windows and she thought she recognized Carla just as she turned away from the window. For a moment she pondered whether to go inside again and ask if she could still help, but then she decided against it. She was looking forward to tonight. And who knows, perhaps tomorrow, everything would look a lot clearer.

The End

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BeitragVerfasst: 01.04.2009, 02:05 

Registriert: 13.12.2008, 07:28
Beiträge: 9
Wohnort: USA
I like your lost scenes, Nike 75. I think you went into the depths of both characters to explain why they said and did the things they did, and how they felt about it after. It explains the continuing development of the Carla and Stella's relationship with each other.I like how you had them react to the emotion stirred both in themselves and in each other.
Lost scenes, are probably my favorite kind of fan fiction, because they fill in so much of why things happened the way they did in the "found" scenes, lol! I hope you will continue with your missing scenes, Nike75, your story is well written, job well done.

Two last things. 1)To Atlanta Fan, nice job on helping with the translations! 2)Thanks to both you for making this English translation. I do hope there is more coming!

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BeitragVerfasst: 03.04.2009, 06:47 

Registriert: 08.02.2009, 07:47
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Wohnort: USA
Hello Nike75:

Glad to see your English fanfic is a topic here! I just posted a comment for you re. "Carla's pov" on the Green forum!

Keep-up the good work!


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BeitragVerfasst: 14.05.2012, 07:40 

Registriert: 12.05.2012, 22:20
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nike75 hat geschrieben:
Carla knew she was busted. It was just a fact – Stella caused emotional chaos in her and she couldn't do anything to stop it. When had this started?

Was it when Gregor told her that Stella was a lesbian too? No, it was already too late by then.

Or was it when they’d organized everything together for Luise's arrival? Carla had to grin a little bit. At least by that point she'd realized how damn attractive her new employee was. Until today she couldn't remember what Gregor had wanted from her that day, something about 20.000 EUR – Stella was too distracting standing there just in her bra.

If she really thought about it, Stella Mann triggered powerful feelings in Carla since the first meeting. In the beginning it was resentment, anger and bewilderment – a whole lot of negative emotions she just couldn't ignore. Of course she never would admit that to her employee.

I really like these thoughts, and the ones following, they are very realistic.
And provide a good chance for us - your readers- to reflect on other clips of good moments...
Very nice..

(Sorry, late comment, but I just joined)

PS Love the Little Prince and the Fox comparison!

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