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BeitragVerfasst: 01.05.2012, 05:15 

Registriert: 14.10.2008, 19:15
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Nach genau 25 Jahren wird es in der Daily BB, einer Serie in der sich alles um die Modewelt dreht, die erste homosexuelle Storyline überhaupt geben. Ein paar Vorinfos dazu gibts unter dem Thread Crystal Chappell (31135132nx52154/venice-the-series-f91/crystal-chappell-t1722-s28.html#p205260)

Oder auch unter:

http://tvsourcemagazine.com/soaps/news/ ... n=tvsource
http://insidetv.ew.com/2012/04/11/lesbi ... exclusive/
http://www.soapoperadigest.com/content/ ... happell-bb

Als die Serie BB Ende der 80er Jahre bei uns startete, wurde sie damals auch im deutschen Fernsehen ausgestrahlt und demzufolge synchronisiert, später wurde die Serie dann auf ZDF fortgesetzt und bis 2010 ausgestrahlt.
Alles begann damals mit der Verlobung des Playboys Ridge Forrester und der zurückhaltenden Caroline Spencer. Nach dem typischen Soapgebahren dauerte es eine gewisse Zeit bis beide dann letztendlich heirateten. Leider währte ihr Glück nicht lange und Caroline verstarb an Leukämie. Während der ganzen Zeit war Brooke Logan, die sich damals in Ridge verliebt hatte und die Freundin von Caroline war, in die Hauptplots mit eingebunden.
Nach einiger Zeit tauchte dann eine Frau auf, die Caroline erschreckend ähnlich sah. Irgendwann kam dann raus, dass es Karen ist, die Zwillingsschwester von Caroline. sie wurde als Baby entführt und nie gefunden. Sie hatte eine Beziehung mit Thorne (Ridges Bruder) und noch eine kurze Affäre bis sie nach New York ging. Seitdem war sie immer wieder kurz in LA zu Besuch und dieses Mal kam ihre Tochter Caroline mit.
Mitte Mai kehrt Karen wieder nach LA zurück mit ihrer Frau Danielle im Schlepptau...

Karen Spencer wird von Joanna Johnson verkörpert und dass die Schauspielerin nicht nur ein schönes Gesicht hat, sondern vor allem hinter der Kamera tätig ist, zeigt das Darstellerprofil unter

http://www.soapsworld.de/reich-und-scho ... na-johnson

Danielle wird von Crystal Chappel dargestellt und dass sie nicht nur ein schönes Gesicht hat... :wink: http://www.venicegermany.de/all-things- ... iographie/

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Verfasst: 01.05.2012, 05:15 

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BeitragVerfasst: 01.05.2012, 05:27 

Registriert: 14.10.2008, 19:15
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Gestern wurde in einem Interview mit dem Produzenten von BB Bradley Bell mehr zu der neuen Storyline bekannt gegeben.

Next month on CBS' The Bold and the Beautiful it will be revealed that Joanna Johnson's character Karen Spencer — known to viewers since 1991 — has been quietly living as a lesbian for years. What's more, Karen is happily married to a luscious lady named Danielle, to be played by Daytime Emmy winner Crystal Chappell. Johnson returns to the show May 16; Chappell arrives May 17. ...

TV Guide Magazine: Tell us about your decision to reveal this secret side of Karen.
Bell: Once we decided to bring Karen's daughter, Caroline, onto the show, the question naturally arose, "Who is the father? Why doesn't she seem to have one?" I started thinking about all the story possibilities and decided, "Why not give her two mothers?" Everyone on the show has a mother and father and that's getting a little dull. So I talked to Joanna Johnson and asked if she'd be okay with this story and she was very excited. When it came to casting Karen's partner, I thought immediately of Crystal Chappell. She was at the top of my list. I called her, she was interested, so here we are. She's a great actress and such a good kisser.

TV Guide Magazine: And you know she's a good kisser because...
Bell: Because I'm a big fan of her web series Venice.

TV Guide Magazine: Does this mean we'll actually see some lesbian lip locks on CBS Daytime?
Bell: Oh, sure! Absolutely.

TV Guide Magazine: Because Crystal wasn't allowed to do that when she played the girl-girl romance on Guiding Light. There was a lot of pinky touching and smouldering glances, but kissing wasn't okay and certainly no sex. It was very 1950s.
Bell: I didn't know that. This happened on CBS? [Laughs] Perhaps I spoke too soon. Nah, Karen and Danielle are a modern married couple, so why wouldn't they kiss? We plan to discuss the real issues, present some prejudices, and try to get people to move forward in their thinking, instead of backward. I want to do this story because I listen to all the political debates on the subject of same-sex marriage and can't believe I share the same country with people who think so differently about human rights. I want to put my hat in the ring and, hopefully, help change some thoughts and opinions on the issue.

TV Guide Magazine: How long has this Karen-Danielle thing been going on?
Bell: A very long time. We're going to see that they have created a wonderful family together, raised a great daughter and have been living a terrific life in New York, completely free about who they are. Well, except for the fact that Karen's brother, Bill, who lives in Los Angeles, has no idea she's a lesbian.

TV Guide Magazine: Why keep it a secret from him if she's living openly? It's 2012!
Bell: This sort of thing is a big issue for the Spencer men, and Karen just didn't want any negativity from her brother. We'll find out that she got enough of that from her [late] father, Bill Spencer Sr., who knew about her lifestyle and was very against her saying anything about it. He forbade her to bring it into her business life at Spencer Publications, the company that bore his fine name. But Karen will handle her brother in her own way. The reveal will be fun and it will be serious. Karen's [sexuality] is obvious to everyone but Bill. He's never been particularly close to his sister or had much interest in her. [Laughs] He just doesn't understand why she can't seem to get a man.

TV Guide Magazine: If Bill has no interest in Karen, why would she care what he thinks?
Bell: Her attitude has always been, "Why waste my time?" Bill only thinks about Bill, so she has stayed mysterious. Now she's getting sick of that. Bill's reaction will be very interesting. I'm patterning him a little bit after Archie Bunker.

TV Guide Magazine: Is Karen the birth mother of Caroline?
Bell: Yes. I'm keeping it vague for now just how long Danielle has been in the picture and who Caroline's biological dad is. I've got four or five ways to go with that, so I'm not committing to anything just yet. The audience knows Karen was involved in the past with Thorne and with Connor. She even flirted with Ridge, so maybe there was more there than we thought...

TV Guide Magazine: The first person to spill the beans is Caroline, right?
Bell: Yes. She tells Thomas because she wants him to know about her two moms. Rick will know relatively soon. Even Bill's wife, Katie, will know. And now that Karen and Danielle are moving to L.A., Karen knows she needs to finally tell Bill. But, before she can do that, Bill meets Danielle. She's been in the publishing business and is looking for a job in sales and advertising so she goes to see Bill on a job interview. Bill knows she's a friend of Karen's, but that's all he knows. And, of course, he's convinced Danielle is hitting on him. He's Bill Spencer! Why wouldn't every woman hit on him?

TV Guide Magazine: I gotta ask this since we know the twisted way you work, sir. Is Danielle going to stay lesbian or will she have an affair with Bill in the ultimate Brad Bell triangle?
Bell: Well, that is certainly not in the plans. But, hey, a triangle is not a bad idea. [Laughs] Who knows, maybe Danielle will end up with Katie instead of Bill!

Es klingt ja schon so, als würde die Geschichte zwischen Danielle und Karen einen gewissen Raum in der Serie bekommen und die Option mit Bills Frau finde ich ja mal sehr interessant.

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BeitragVerfasst: 01.05.2012, 09:20 

Registriert: 11.11.2010, 21:03
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Hört sich interessant an, danke für die Info. :)

Wow, nach 25 Jahren die erste Homo-Storyline? In einer Soap über die Modewelt? Yikes. :lol: Na ja, willkommen im 21. Jahrhundert, B&B. Bin gespannt.

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BeitragVerfasst: 01.05.2012, 20:29 

Registriert: 14.10.2008, 19:15
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Das ist krass oder? Und es wird, wenn man Brad Bell Glauben schenken darf, auch der erste lesbische Kuss seit Bianca und All My Children sein.

Immerhin war es auch der Afterellen einen kleinen Bericht wert:

Good news: The Bold and the Beautiful's executive producer/head writer Bradley Bell told TV Guide that of course Crystal Chappell will kiss her on-screen lover when she comes on the show.

http://www.afterellen.com/content/2012/ ... iful-betty

Und noch von Mitte April:

You know how some women get cast as lesbians and then are forever called up when a network is like "We need someone to play gay. Go get that girl who has done it before!" Crystal Chappell is that woman for soap operas. She's joining the cast of Bold and the Beautiful as one of Caroline's moms. This is my soap, guys, so I'll be seeing how it all goes down when Crystal shows up as Karen's (Joanna Johnson) boo mid-May.

http://www.afterellen.com/content/2012/ ... ful-jessie

Nur das Bild von dem älteren Bericht finde ich etwas erschreckend. Es scheint von Ende November 2011 zu sein.

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BeitragVerfasst: 10.05.2012, 18:24 

Registriert: 14.10.2008, 19:15
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Nächste Woche gehts endlich los und die restliche Familie 'Spencer' erscheint auf der Bildfläche. (Kommt es nur mir so vor oder gibts in jeder amerikanischen Soap die gleichen Vor- und Nachnamen?)

Caroline makes plans to bring Thomas home for dinner

Karen asks Caroline to keep a secret

Caroline confides the truth about her family to Thomas

Katie shares shocking news with Bill

Bill’s strong reaction shocks Katie in return

The ripple effect from Caroline’s admission sends waves throughout the family

Danielle ruffles some feathers as she settles in to her new environment

Bill ist Karens Bruder und Katie ist seine Frau. Vielleicht hatten Katie und Danielle ja einmal ne Affäre :mrred:
Scheint nämlich, als wäre Bill Spencer ziemlich homophob, warum hätte Karen ihre Beziehung auch so lange geheim halten sollen.


Bin ja echt neugierig wie sie das Ganze aufziehen werden bei Reich und Schön, nur schade, dass es immer noch so viele gibt, die sich negativ zu einer gay storyline äußern :?

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BeitragVerfasst: 14.05.2012, 16:49 

Registriert: 14.10.2008, 19:15
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Einen Tag bevor Joanna Johnson wieder auf den Bildschirm als Karen zurückkehrt, hat die Schauspielerin nun auch zugegeben mit einer Frau verheiratet zu sein und eine Familie zu haben :liebe2:


Warum sie dies jetzt (erst) tut, verrät sie in einem Interview. Leider gibt es gerade immer wieder im amerikanischen Soapgenre eine so krasse Ablehnung gleichgeschlechtlicher Paare, dass einem von der Doppelmoral ganz übel werden kann. Scheinbar ist für sie nicht 'unnatürlich' wenn manche das 10te Mal heiraten oder ein Kind vom Schwiegersohn und Schwiegervaer haben... (ehm musste mir Luft machen - jetzt isses besser)

TV Guide Magazine: With this announcement you seem to be the only officially "out" star currently in daytime soaps, even though the shows are loaded with gay actors. What's up with that?

Joanna Johnson: Daytime is a whole different world than primetime or theater or film. There's a greater intimacy between the viewers and the characters. They think you are your character. And that creates a lot of fear. Fear of rejection. I was so worried I wouldn't be employable as an actress if people knew I was a lesbian. Or that I wouldn't be believable in romance stories. I had to deal with a lot of self-loathing.

TV Guide Magazine: How bad did it get?

Johnson: After I started playing Karen, I remember doing a fantasy scene that showed what life would have been like if Caroline had not died of cancer. She was married to Ridge [Ronn Moss] and had two kids and a wonderful life. When we finished shooting, I ran to my dressing room and just cried and cried because I knew I was never going to have that kind of life.

TV Guide Magazine: Yet you did!
Johnson: I did! I'm married to [L.A. club promoter] Michelle Agnew and we have two beautiful children, Julian, who is five, and Harlow, who is two. And now we're finding out that Karen is married to this great lady Dani [Crystal Chappell] and together they have raised her daughter Caroline [Linsey Godfrey]. So times have certainly changed. I guess that's why I'm ready to open up. It feels weird and wrong to play this revelation about Karen's life and not talk about my own. I used to hang out with Ellen Degeneres, k.d. lang and Melissa Etheridge back in the day and thought it was so beautiful they were out, even though I didn't have the nerve. When I realized I was gay in my early twenties we didn't have role models like Ellen. I'm not anywhere near as famous as those ladies, but I guess it's my turn to do my little part. It's time to live a fully authentic life.

TV Guide Magazine: Did you feel any pressure to come out when you were around all those open women?
Johnson: I never felt any pressure from them. I think they understood my professional concerns because those concerns were very real. When Ellen came out she took a big hit. It certainly hurt her career as an actress. When Angelina Jolie said she was bi, it was sexy. The industry wanted her even more. It's quite another thing to say you're a lesbian. Back then anyway. I really admire the courage of people who have been out and noisy. I had to struggle to become proud.

TV Guide Magazine: If you could go back in a time machine, what would you say to your younger self?
Johnson: Have the courage to embrace who you are. Don't project your own fears and low self-esteem onto others. Let your light shine!

TV Guide Magazine: What were your thoughts when you found out Karen is gay?
Johnson: When [exec producer-head writer] Brad Bell called and pitched the story I was kind of thrown. I just said, "Oh." And there was this very long pause. Then I said, "Where'd you get that idea?" He laughed. I laughed. And I said, "Just make sure you get me a hot wife." And he did!

TV Guide Magazine: How are things going with you and Crystal?
Johnson: [Laughs] She's straight and she's more comfortable playing gay than I am! When we first met up at the show we had to shoot some photos - vacation-type snapshots of Karen and Dani to put on the mantel - and I felt kind of nervous and awkward. I think Crystal thought I was a little crazy but when I explained that I hadn't yet come out publicly, she got it and has been very lovely and supportive.

Read more: http://www.seattlepi.com/ae/tv/tvguide/ ... z1urZEUNUy

Hier lohnt es sich das komplette Interview zu lesen.

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BeitragVerfasst: 14.05.2012, 16:56 

Registriert: 11.11.2010, 21:03
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WOW! Das finde ich toll! Es ist immer wieder ermutigend und wunderbar, wenn ein Mensch diesen Schritt wagt! Glückwunsch, Joanna Johnson, und Danke!! :knuff: :rainbow: :spitze:

Danke für die Info, bellaisa! :danke:

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BeitragVerfasst: 14.05.2012, 17:50 

Registriert: 11.01.2012, 17:09
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Echt cool von Joanna. Man ich kann mich noch erinnern ganz früher als sie noch Caroline war. Irgendwie ganz süß von Brad Bell wie er das gemacht hat :mrgreen:

Marbecca Forum Deutsch :: Marbecca Forum English:: Marlene Caps :: Rebecca Caps:: Conspiracy theories & speculation

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BeitragVerfasst: 14.05.2012, 18:21 

Registriert: 11.11.2010, 21:03
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Von Afterellen.com:

Joanna Johnson comes out as a lesbian alongside her "Bold and the Beautiful" character



Artikel hier: http://www.afterellen.com/content/2012/ ... -character

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BeitragVerfasst: 14.05.2012, 18:23 

Registriert: 11.01.2012, 17:09
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Wunderschön sieht sie aus. Kann gar nicht glauben dass sie 50 ist!

Marbecca Forum Deutsch :: Marbecca Forum English:: Marlene Caps :: Rebecca Caps:: Conspiracy theories & speculation

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BeitragVerfasst: 14.05.2012, 18:27 

Registriert: 14.10.2008, 19:15
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LolaRuns hat geschrieben:
Wunderschön sieht sie aus. Kann gar nicht glauben dass sie 50 ist!

Stimmt! Sie war damals schon als Caroline traumhaft :liebe2:

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BeitragVerfasst: 17.05.2012, 20:02 

Registriert: 14.10.2008, 19:15
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Die ersten Screenshots von Crystals Auftritt als Danielle:





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BeitragVerfasst: 17.05.2012, 20:49 

Registriert: 14.10.2008, 19:15
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Nicht die beste Qualität, aber bis es die Sendung auf CBS zum Anschauen gibt erst einmal was:


Na da ziehen doch schon erste Wolken am Daren Himmel auf...

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BeitragVerfasst: 17.05.2012, 22:05 

Registriert: 11.11.2010, 21:03
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Danke, bellaisa! :) Das fängt ja schon gut an... :roll:

So schön, Crystal wieder zu sehen... Und dann auch noch so... :liebe2:

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